Effective April 16, 2015, commands picking up payroll checks after 5:00 p.m. on payroll Thursdays will pick up payroll bundles at Investigative Operations, located on the fifth floor of the Detroit Public Safety Headquarters in room 548.  Payroll bundles will no longer be distributed from the Third Precinct. 

Each pay Thursday, Fiscal Operations shall notify Investigative Operations when payroll checks have been sorted and are available for pick up.  The authorized members identified by Investigative Operations shall promptly pick up the payroll check bundles from Fiscal Operations and deliver the checks to Investigative Operations Control Desk.    

Members picking up payroll checks after 5:00 p.m. from Investigative Operations for their assigned command will be issued a temporary access pass to enter the Detroit Public Safety Headquarters at the guard shack located at Abbott / Third (just north of the parking garage). The temporary access pass will be issued to the requesting member in exchange for a picture state identification.  Upon receiving an access pass, members will enter the parking garage, park on the sixth level and walk across the pedestrian overpass onto the fifth floor of the Detroit Public Safety Headquarters.    The identification card provided by the officer will be returned back to the member when he/she has returned the issued access card.