The DPLSA has attended several meetings along with several phone discussions related to departmental procedure and protocol regarding COVID 19 commonly known as Coronavirus. The focus of the meetings was the safety and well-being of every individual of our department.
During the meetings many concerns and issues were raised and some are still being addressed. Additional safety supplies are forthcoming meanwhile if you have any additional concerns please let us know. Also review the attached teletype below.
We understand that you have some concerns by following protocol we minimize and or eliminate potential risk. We must work together to keep each other and the community safe!
We are all working to ensure a safe environment for the members of the department.
Detroit Police Lieutenants and Sergeants Association (DPLSA)
Supervisors shall adhere to the following protocol should a member interact with an individual who has or is symptomatic of having Coronavirus.
Members are reminded that the symptoms associated with the Coronavirus are a fever, a cough, and shortness of breath.
1. Advise the member to use their PPE Kit, avoid touching their face, stay 6 feet away from the individual if possible, and use hand sanitizer immediately after the interaction.
2. If the potentially contaminated individual needs to be conveyed, follow the below procedure:
a. Notify Notification and Control who will direct the member where to convey the potentially contaminated individual.
b.After conveyance, notify Fleet Management during normal business hours or Notification and Control outside of business hours that a vehicle must be decontaminated.
3. If the potentially contaminated individual was not conveyed, recommend that the individual reach out to a healthcare provider to be tested for the Coronavirus.
4. If the PPE Kit was not used or partially used, then supervisors shall instruct members who interacted with the potentially infected individual to follow the below protocol:
a.Members shall immediately wash their hands or use hand sanitizer after the interaction.
b.Members shall disinfect their utility belt by using sanitizing wipes.
c.Members may return to the station and change their uniform if the member suspects the uniform is also infected.
d.Remind the member to wash their hands or use sanitizer after disinfecting their equipment / uniform.
5. If any part of the PPE Kit was used, call Resource Management at (313) 596-2084 to secure an additional PPE Kit and return remaining items.
6. If there was any contamination outside of a member’s clothing, the member shall complete a Report of Injury or Illness Form (DPD101) in MAS to document any exposure incident. The “Exposure Incident” box shall be marked and the “Source Individual” and ”Exposure Type” sections on the report shall be completed.
a. If the member was not using their PPE Kit, the supervisor shall include that as part of their investigation and recommendation in the narrative portion on the injury report, an evaluation of the circumstances surrounding the incident to determine whether the member’s actions were within the guidelines of this Directive.
7. All members interacting with the potentially infected individual shall contact the Detroit Health Department at (313) 876-4000 immediately for guidance and not report to work unless directed.