After a review of the completed appeals submitted by DPD members by Industrial Organizational Solutions and an in-depth review by the DPD Executive Team, it was determined that these specific questions be eliminated:
The question below was deemed deficient and eliminated on the Lieutenant Exam. This resulted in the scoring being based on 99 questions instead of 100.
56. Officers may undertake a “protective sweep” of the premises where an arrest is for a violent crime and the arrest takes place without a warrant. The purpose of the “protective sweep” is to discover persons on the premises who might present a danger to officers. Under which of the following conditions may officers extend a protective sweep beyond closets and adjoining spaces?
The two (2) questions below were deemed deficient and eliminated on the Sergeant Exam. This resulted in the scoring being based on 98 questions instead of 100.
35. All long-distance phone calls coming from other departments, as well as outgoing, relative to requests for an arrest or criminal investigations shall be reported to the _____.
43. Under which of the following conditions may Department-issued chemical spray be used on a subject (when a lesser degree of force has not been or will not be effective)?
The question below was deemed deficient and eliminated on the Detective Exam. This resulted in the scoring being based on 99 questions instead of 100.
75. A person excites a contention at a business. With which of the following offenses is it MOST appropriate to charge the person?
As a result of the question(s) being eliminated, a member’s score could have remained the same, increased or decreased. Removal of questions does not affect everyone the same way. It depends on how the member answered the eliminated question(s).
In short, if a member correctly answered an “eliminated question”, they were previously given a point for that question; when it was removed from scoring, their score went down by that point.
If a member incorrectly answered an “eliminated question”, when it was removed from scoring, it did not have an effect, because they previously were not given a point for that question.
The information below is being provided to help you better understand the tabulation of your final written exam results:
LIEUTENANT EXAM: The preliminary highest raw score for the Lieutenant exam was 86. The curve added to each preliminary score was 14. As a result of the appeals process, the final highest raw score for the Lieutenant exam is now 85. The curve added to each final score is now 15.
Example: Question #56 was eliminated from the Lieutenant exam. If the preliminary high-scorer answered this question correctly, and their preliminary raw score was 86, the final raw score went down by a point to 85, because the eliminated question was removed from the scoring. This also caused the curve to increase by a point from 14 to 15.
If a member had a preliminary raw score of 81 and answered Question #56 incorrectly, their final raw score remained at 81, because they were not previously given a point for that question. However, because the curve increased to 15, their final curved score increased from 95 to 96. Any member who answered this item incorrectly would see their raw and curved score increase by one point.
SERGEANT EXAM: The preliminary highest raw score for the Sergeant exam was 89. The curve added to each preliminary was 11. As a result of the appeals process, the final highest raw score for the Sergeant exam is now 87. The curve added to each final score is now 13.
Example: Questions #35 and #43 were eliminated from the Sergeant exam. In the preliminary scores, the highest score was 89. The curve added to each final score was 11. When the two (2) questions were eliminated, the highest score dropped to 87, because the high-scorer answered both questions correctly. This drop in the highest score to 87 resulted in a curve of 13 being added to all final scores.
Depending on how members answered the eliminated questions, they will see a 0, 1 or 2 point change in their score. If a candidate answered both questions incorrectly, and had a preliminary raw score of 72 (preliminary curved score of 83); when the eliminated questions were removed from the scoring, their final score remained a 72, because they were not previously given a point for those questions. However, because the curve increased to 13, it resulted in a final curved score of 85.
DETECTIVE EXAM: The preliminary highest raw score for the Detective exam was 72. The curve added to each preliminary was 28 points. As a result of the appeals process, the final highest raw score for the Detective remains 72. The curve added to each final score remains 28.
Example: Question #75 was eliminated from the Detective exam. If the preliminary high-scorer answered this item incorrectly, and their preliminary raw score was 72, the preliminary raw score did not change, because, they were not previously given a point for that question. As a result, their final score did not change and the curve added to everyone’s score did not change, which remained 28.
If a member received a preliminary raw score of 72, and they answered Question #75 correctly, because the eliminated question was removed from the scoring, their final score went down to 71, and their final curved score went down to 99. Thus, any member who answered this question correctly, their final raw and final curved score went down by one (1) point from their preliminary score.
Members are reminded that the Written Examination is only one (1) component of the overall promotional test components and represents 26% of the total points. The Oral Interview (Assessment Center) represents 50%. Other subjects and weights for Sergeant and Detective include Department Seniority (12%), Military (2%) and Education (10%). Other subjects and weights for Lieutenant include Department Seniority (6%), In-Grade Seniority (12%), Military (2%) and Education (4%).
UPDATE: There will be three (3) Oral Interview informational sessions conducted by Industrial Organizational Solutions (IOS) as follows:
Tuesday, September 3, 2019, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., DPSH – Michigan Room
Wednesday, September 4, 2019, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m., DPD Training Center
Command Officers are directed to inform members to check their emails daily including those members who are sick, disabled, on furlough, absent with leave, etc.
Director of Police Personnel
Human Resources Bureau
Chief of Police