Effective immediately, members are authorized to wear hash marks on the left sleeve of their Class A, Class B, and Class C uniform (long sleeve shirt only). Each hash mark will represent five (5) years of service. Department members from the rank of Lieutenant and above shall wear “gold” hash marks. Department members from the rank of Police Officer through Sergeant shall wear “silver” hash marks. These hash marks will not replace the “service insignia gold stars” which are worn on the left sleeve of the executive dress coat and the member’s all-weather jacket. This update is forthcoming to the Detroit Police Manual Directive Number 303.5 ” Uniforms and Appearance”. Please refer to Teletype #14 – 1226 which defines the Class A, Class B, and Class C uniform.
The hash marks shall be placed 1.5 inches above the top seam of the left long sleeve cuff. The left edge of the hash mark patch will be placed parallel to the sleeve placket (spacing of 1.5 inches between the hash mark patch and sleeve placket). The sleeve placket is also known as the sleeve gauntlet.
Hash marks may be purchased and sewn on to the member’s uniform at his or her own expense. Members can utilize the following locations which are listed below:
1. Enterprise Uniform Company Cost: $ 1.00 per Hash Mark
$ 3.50 sew on per shirt
2862 East Grand Boulevard (regardless of the number of hash marks)
Detroit, Michigan 48202
Phone: 313 – 871 – 4667
2. Nye Uniform Cost: $ 1.50 per Hash Mark
$ 6.00 sew on for a shirt not purchased at Nye
1067 East Long Lake Road Uniform
Troy, Michigan 48085 Free sew on for shirts
purchased at Nye Uniform
Phone: 248 – 544 – 0774
3. On Duty Gear Cost: $ 2.00 per Hash Mark
$ 5.00 sew on per shirt
44315 North Groesbeck Hwy (regardless of the number of hash marks)
Clinton Township, Michigan 48036
Phone: 586 – 463 – 0099
Toll Free: 888 – 880 – 4441