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General Membership Meeting

The American Serbian Hall 19940 Van Dyke, Detroit, MI, United States

Doors open at 4:00PM
Meeting Starts: 5:00PM

Annual Golf Outting

The Links of Novi 50395 W Ten Mile Rd, Novi, MI, United States

Get your foursomes together and come to have fun with the DPLSA!
Registration: 7am
Tee Off: 8am


General Membership Meeting

The American Serbian Hall 19940 Van Dyke, Detroit, MI, United States

Doors open at 4:00PM
Meeting Starts: 5:00PM

General Membership Meeting

The American Serbian Hall 19940 Van Dyke, Detroit, MI, United States

Doors open at 4:00PM
Meeting Starts: 5:00PM

You can view our latest contract here.