DPLSA Update regarding recent activity that affects our membership!

Thank you for your support yesterday at the rally at the Federal Court House.  Whether or not you were able to attend or not, the voices of the members with the collaboration of retirees, Fire, UAW, ASFCME, IBEW, and other various organizations standing with us was heard.
This is a brief update of events that have happened during the month of October 2013.  First let me disclose that we are heavily involved in Bankruptcy Court ordered Mediation in which discussions are bound by a confidentiality clause in which all parties are subject to.
On October 2, 2013, was the Board of Directors Meeting in which we discussed the Bankruptcy and that we have been remanded to bankruptcy “Mediation” by Federal Court Judge Rosen and that our Mediator is Judge Victoria Roberts.
On October 8, 2013, was day all the unions met with our Mediator to discuss Mediation concerns with the city involving pension, health care, the other committees (retirement), grievances, the sharing of information amongst the various committee to be able to make timely and informed decisions. Also after this Meeting our Mediator Judge Roberts stated she would bring our concerns to the Other Mediators to have representation and/or a voice for our members, or another committee created to express the views of our active members.  Judge Roberts was successful in this endeavor and “we” the active employees are involved in these discussions that were once specific to just the retiree committee.
On October 9, 2013, was the day the marked many of the unions in Mediation discussing all Grievances that are on file.  First – determination to acknowledge the grievance and its validity, then to come to a resolution.  We are awaiting the next date.  There was also a subsequent meeting regarding Pensions that was occurring simultaneously involving Pension and Retirees as a result of our Mediator pushing the previous day.
please review first
On October 15 and 16, 2013, marked the 1st day of the Eligibility in which all attorneys for the Unions, Committees, etc. presented arguments concerning the City of Detroit not bargaining in Good Faith.  Each of the attorneys gave compelling opening arguments regarding these eligibility points which in some of the arguments laid the beginning arguments for an attorney of another to close and expound on once their opportunity arose.
For example – arguments included Was P.A. 436 Constitutional? P.A. 436 limits the State from submitting a plan to impair pensions.  and a host of other arguments were put on record.
On October 17, a special conference was attended regarding the opening of 5th and 7th Precincts.  A teletype was issued on October 18, 2013.  This information is preliminary and subject to change.
11/15 – Transfer list frozen
11/18 – Teletype on transfers issued
11/19 – All DPLSA members transferred shall choose platoon choices – Admin Lt. shall be chosen
11/21 – DPOA members submit platoon choices
11/25 – Leave days submitted
12/2 – Leave days posted
12/9 – Operational
On October 18, marked the first day of Negotiations attended by all Public Safety Unions and our Labor attorneys and the city.  At this time Judge Roberts ordered the city to provide the unions with proposals by November 1, 2013 with the exception of some items as it related to the DPOA as their contract was an Award and still needed to be transferred to contract form.  Our next date to address will be on but after Judge Rosen addresses all parties on the November 6, 2013.  Also, October 29, 2013, Pension concerns with retiree committee with Judge Dryker will meet other committees.
On October 23, 2013, was the first day of Constitutional arguments “protections” by the State of Michigan Constitution and again this was the day of the rally outside of the Federal Courthouse.  Judge Rhodes has to decide if the pensions are protected by the Michigan constitution.  Judge also has asked in the past for further information of why P.A. 436 was passed as an appropriation bill to make it un appealable by the voters.  It is expected that Judge Rhodes will make a decision by November 13, 2013, at hard date in which he set to make a decision.  There are many great arguments for Judge Rhodes to decide with us, but there are compelling arguments that the City is using Bankruptcy to specifically change the benefits as related to pension.
On October 24. 2013, please review teletype regarding Open Enrollment for Healthcare, Police Personnel will host an informational seminar on November 11, 2013 at police headquarters.  As open enrollment starts on November 1, 2013, I urge you to began asking questions concerning the design plan now and to began getting all documents necessary as we had to do for the eligibility process last month.  If for any reason you need, please contact Police Personnel at 596 2540 or contact us here so that we may inquire and send the answers out to everyone and we may all have the same concern.