Tentative Agreement Reached, Wednesday, November 25, 2015!
Let me first of all start by stating after a series of meetings with Mayor Mike Duggan, Chief James E. Craig and others we all clearly agreed and understand that we are all under paid along with the needed to work on improving our current benefit structure for the current members and for retaining membership and new hires!
With that being said the Mayor stated the following proposals are a start in getting us to the comparable wages and benefits of our law enforcement counterparts!
First, Mayor Duggan agreed and signed a letter stating he would assist us in obtaining better active health care conducive to the needs of our profession along with working towards and setting up meetings with health care providers working towards retirement health care.
Effective Friday, January 1, 2016, Members will receive a 4% wage increase with all previous negotiated wage increases intact.
A One Year Contract Extension till June 30, 2020 with a 3% Wage Increase on July 1, 2019.
Standby Time, For the members that are on recall status will receive One hour wages or compensatory time for every Eight hours of being on standby (Pay or Compensatory Option).
Tuition Reimbursement, $2000.00 Yearly towards an Associates, Bachelor’s, Masters, Law or Doctorate Degree (Courses must be obtained through an accredited college or university successfully).
Wage Differential Language, Effective Friday, January 1, 2016, A Member will receive an additional 2% wage supplement for a Bachelor’s Degree or higher from an accredited college or university.
Employee Referral Incentive, A member shall receive $250.00 for every individual hired into a uniformed or position identified by the Director of Police Personnel.
The 4 Hour Sick Day Language, Article 35(c) will be amended to read a member may utilize the option (1) day quarterly without the time being removed from the individuals Sick Bank.
4% Friday, January 1, 2016
2.5% Wages, July 1, 2016
2.5% Wages, July 1, 2017
2.5% Wages, July 1, 2018
3.0% Wages, July 1, 2019
Again the Mayor reiterated this is just the first start and as tax revenue and other funding increase we hope to have further discussion to bring us comparable to all our law enforcement counterparts.
During the week of November 30, 2015, the decision will becoming to you the membership for a vote of ratification. We have and will continue to address and work on behalf of the membership for better benefits, wages along with improving the current active health care plans and the implementation of a retiree health care plan.