Detective Ceremony Monday, March 30, 2015


Please be advised that the Appointment Ceremony for the following list of Detectives will be held on Monday, March 30, 2015, at 10:30, at Detroit Public Safety Headquarters, 1301 Third, Detroit, Michigan 48226, in the Michigan Room.

Detectives shall report to the Mackinac Room, 5th Floor, Detroit Public Safety Headquarters at 9:30 a.m. Bring your current badge and DPD Identification Card.  Dress code is business attire for Detectives.  Command staff in attendance shall report at 10:15 a.m. in Class A uniform.    

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Police Personnel at 313-596-2730.               

Detective Daphne Bailey                                      

Detective Ryan Mason

Detective Eric Brown                                                 

Detective Joseph Matos

Detective Jaushei Brown                                           

Detective John Mitchell

Detective Flora Butler                                            

Detective Steven Turner

Detective Robert Coleman                                        

Detective Aaron O’Hare

Detective Aaron Colwell                                        

Detective Jade Tanguay    

Detective Troy Debets                                            

Detective Cheryl Peoples

Detective Eddie Edwards                                      

Detective Marcel Prude

Detective Lavon Howell                                         

Detective Scott Shea

Detective Enrique Jackson                                       

Detective. Douglas Williams

Detective Paul Kadrovach