City of Detroit Deferred Compensation Plan Open Enrollment is extended due to the Ratification of the City of Detroit and the DPLSA Tentative Agreement.

City of Detroit Deferred Compensation Plan Open Enrollment is extended due to the Ratification of the City of Detroit and the DPLSA Tentative Agreement. As a part of our discussions with Mayor Mike Duggan the DPLSA requested that the City of Detroit Deferred Compensation Open Enrollment be extended to allow our members to allocate the wage increase into their Deferred Compensation Plans to help assist them with retirement in the future. The Mayor stated the request would be granted.

Therefore with the ratification of the tentative agreement members will be afforded the opportunity to elect to forward part or all of the wage increase into their 457 B (Deferred Compensation Plan) accounts. Please stay tuned and we will keep you updated with the details!