TELETYPE #15-0837
To: | All Detroit Police Department Personnel |
Subject: | 2015 Sergeant and Lieutenant Promotional Exams (Written) – Admittance &
Test Rules |
The Detroit Police Department will hold written promotional examinations for the ranks of Lieutenant and Sergeant on Sunday, August 30, 2015, at Cobo Center. The exam schedule is as follows:
8:00 a.m. Doors to the Sergeant Examination site are opened
9:00 a.m. Examination process begins
1:00 p.m. Doors to the Lieutenant Examination site are opened
2:00 p.m. Examination process begins
The admittance and test rules below shall be followed:
Beginning Monday, August 24, 2015 – Thursday, August 27, 2015, admittance notices for eligible candidates will be sent to the candidate’s email address provided at the time of application. Please be reminded that candidates planning to submit Military DD214s and Certified Copies of University Transcripts, the deadline is August 26, 2015, at 3:00 p.m. Documents shall be submitted to the Human Resources Bureau, Public Safety Headquarters, 1301 Third, Room 659S.
To gain admittance into the examination site, you must provide the following:
- Admittance Notice (hard copy)
- Detroit Police Department Identification Card
- Michigan Operator’s License
Please note that only authorized candidates will be admitted to the test site.
Candidates who require special accommodations due to injury or illness shall contact Police Medical as soon as possible at 237-3100. Candidates on medical leave shall provide medical documentation to Police Medical verifying the member is medically fit to take the examination.
Parking is available at Cobo Center, at both the underground and roof parking locations. A reduced parking fee of $5.00 is available for examination candidates. Please inform the parking attendant they you are scheduled for the DPD Officers Exams in order to receive this reduced rate.
Complete examination rules will be provided just prior to the commencement of the examination. However, candidates shall adhere to the following:
- Be on Time. Promptness is mandatory for admittance to the examinations. Late admittance will not be allowed.
- Do NOT bring any supplies or materials, except a watch or a timer, to the examination. This includes, but is not limited to calculators, pencils, pens, notes, folders, books, or document of any type, manuals, papers, maps, etc. Watches or timers may not emit any audible sound. Supplies necessary for the purposes of testing will be provided.
- No food or beverages will be permitted.
- Cellular phones and other communication devices will NOT be permitted during testing. If you choose to use an unauthorized communication device, in violation of testing guidelines, your test will be collected and INVALIDATED. In case of an emergency, the communication will be routed through Notification and Control. Notification and Control will contact you, if an unavoidable urgency exists, through the Test Administration Coordinator.
- Handbags or other personal items will not be allowed at the test tables.
- Restroom – If you require the use of the restroom, test administration personnel will escort you. Once testing begins, any time taken for this purpose will be counted as test time.
- Smoking will not be permitted in the rest rooms or any other location at the examination site.
- Questions during the exam – Direct all questions or concerns that arise during the exam process to designated test administration staff.
- It is strictly prohibited for you to leave the test site with any test materials.
All test materials supplied must be returned before you leave the examination site.